Gallery Archive - 2021

Rampe (Pandan leaves )

Rampe (Pandan leaves ) is a plant that grows under the tropical climates. it is cultivated in home gardens in Sri Lanka and commonly used in cooking as curry flavoring. The leaves can be used either fresh or dried and give a particular taste and smell.


Banana is a popular fruit in the world. It is available in many varieties around the world. Farmers in sri Lanka grow banana commercial purpose as well as crop in home gardens. Major Districts of cultivating banana in Sri Lanka are Kurunagala, Rathnapua, Hambantota, Monaragala, Ampara and Jaffna. Depending on temperature, variety, moisture and culture practices, Banana fruits generally take four to six months to reach maturity after flowering. Naturally, Fruits become slight yellow color when they reaches maturity.


Mango (Amba) tree is a tropical tree grows into about 90 feet in height. There are several varieties in Sri Lanka. Leaves of the tree defers one variety to another. leaves of some varieties extend 12 to 16 inches in length. Leaves when they are young are purple, yellow-green or copper in color. Mangoes are rich in vitamin C. fruits become yellow or red when they are ripe. villagersin Sri Lanka use raw mangoes for curry. However, more rural communities cut young mangoes into pieces and put in the sun light for drying. They keep dry mangoes for several months under food security to use during the out seasons.

Diya Labu (Bottle Gourd)
Diya labu

Bottle gourd is called another name white-flowered gourd. This is a creeper which run or clime several meters from the root. Some farmers grow this vegetable commercial purpose or their own use. When the creeper has been grown fertilely, it will give good harvest. Sometime’ lot of nuts are available for them more than their use and then remain will be sold in the village boutiques. Mature gourd is used as container of water by removing kern of it. Leaves of the bottle gourd are used as vegetable with good flavor. This fruit has medical value according to Ayurvetic medicine.

The cashew tree

The cashew tree is a tropical plant which grows in several meters height.the plant is growing in very fast during the year. There are so many trees can be seen in north western province. This grows also in Western and Sabaragamuwa provinces. Cashew nut is high price and hence profitable for the growers. Cashewcollectors collect nuts from the villagers and with the help of female laour prepare them for the sale. They are available as raw nuts or fried nuts.

Alanga (moon vine)

Alanga (Moon flower in English) is a creepy plant that grows 5 to 10 meters long. this perennial plant grows in wet lands with sunlight. This is a fast-growing plant. The plants will bloom flowers at the age of 3 to 5 months. The nuts of Alanga is consumed as vegetable.

Winged Bean(Dambala)

"Winged Bean" ("Dambala" in Sinhala)is a common vegetable in Sri Lanka. it is known as a high nutritional value vegetable. Some farmers in sri Lanka cultivate it commercially while some cultivate as a garden crop. it has many varieties, subspecies, and many hybrids.

Tea flower
thea mala

Tea flowers are white and quite fragrant. they are in clusters of 2-4 together on short branchlets of a tree. They grow up to 4cm in diametre with 5-9 petals. they are pollinated by bees.

Kohila ( Lasia )

Kohila ( Lasia in English) is a stout, spiny, marshy plant with a creeping, spiny rootstock. It is eaten as a vegetable. Tuber of the plant is a tasty food. Tender leaves of kohila are prepared as a curry in Sri Lanka. leaves are available year-round. Kohila can be seen commonly in abundant marshlands. However, it is cultivated as a vegetable in certain areas in Sri Lanka.


Nelli that is grown in home garden or forests in Sri Lanka has a medicine value. It’s fruits are rich with nutritious in vitamins and minerals. Two types of nelli fruits are available in some areas in Sri Lanka. One is small fruits and the other is large fruits. At the season of nelli harvesting, when you are traveling in dry zones, you can buy them sites of the streets in the small venders. A drink can be made from the raw nelli and dried nelli is used to add Ayurvedic medicines.

Jambu Fruits

This is a Jambu tree with its fruits. This tree is named as Water Apple or Java Apple. As other Asian countries, this tree is grown fruitfully in Sri Lanka.


This is known as "Thampala", a leafy vegitable grown in home gardens or chenas in Sri Lanka. It is called "Chinese Spinach" in English.