Frequently Asks Questions

FAQs on Coconut Cultivations
1. Maintaining of Coconut Existing (old) Cultivation

1. Why we need Bush cutting?

If wild bush is growing faster than cultivated plants, there is no enough space to grow cultivated plants. It will hinder sun light. As a result, growing of crops will slow. Otherwise, bushes will provide nested areas for animals who attack the crop. Fertilizer you provide will be used by the unnecessary plants by reducing chance to absorbby relevant crops. Further, you can’t pass through the land due to wild bushes. Harvesting is difficult. Therefore, bush cutting at least twice a six-month period is needed.

2. How do you find bush cutters?

Brand new bush cutters can be purchased from companies such as hunters. Used bush cutters are also available for sale in Sri Lanka.

3. Frequency of bush cutting?

Depended on faster of bushes growing. In rainy season, bush growing is faster than that of drought. Moreover, it is better to cutting bushes once in two or three months.

4. Do you need fertilizing?

Yes, apply type as well as amount as recommended by Agricultural instructors. for old coconut cultivation, YPM has been recommended for kurunagala area.

5. Frequency of fertilizing?

Once a year

6. What are the harmful animals?

Monkeys, Squirrels, porcupines, Elephants and thefts etc.

7. How we protect crop?

Although a strong fence around the land protects the crops from some animals, itcan’t secure coconut from animals such as monkeys, squirrels etc. however, farmers need to chase them back. For this purpose, farmers use fire crackers or air ripples. Owner of the land wants to keep watchman service for the period of animal attack.

8. How we protect yield against theft?

If you living in the land and planning go out of the land, you need to tell someone who’s your friend or trusted neighbor to keep eye at the property until you are coming back. You are advised to lock well the trespassers such as gates and fences. If they are not in good enough, you need to repair them immediately. In line with the development of technology in the world, you can install a security alarm system as well as CCTV camera in certain places to monitor the land 24 x 7 hours. It will be useful to monitor your employees’ as well.

9. How do you harvest coconuts?

In Sri Lanka there are major two methods to harvest coconuts from tall trees. One method is to climb tree with a help of robe ring around the angle of the climber. Other method is to use a knife attached to bamboo to cut the bunches of coconuts.

10. Cost of plucking?

Coconut plucking fees differ province to province. At present, it will be charged Rupees 100/= per tree (as per 2023) by coconut tree climbers in the North-Western province. However, it is better to negotiate the charges before employ them.

11. Sale of coconut and price of nut?

Price of raw coconut differs time to time and place to place. When the coconut yield is increasing price of the coconut is falling and vice versa. However, there are some traders who are coming to land to purchase your yield. Otherwise, you have to go town with your yields to sale them. You are free to use cost effective way in order to earn more profit.

2. Coconut(New) Cultivation

12. Preparation of land for coconut cultivation?

before marking the places to dig pits, new land should be cleared. Then, preparation is to be undertaken by contour terracing or bunding which is depended on the slopes and in areas of undulating terrain. you can hire the most experienced workers for marking the land for pits. According to Coconut Development Board’s instructions, it is recommended that there should be at least 26 feet distance from each plant.

13. Purchase of plants?

there are number of coconut plant nurseries in coconut growing areas of Sri Lanka. Potted young coconut plants can be purchased from these nurseries. Growers who registered under the coconut development officer can purchase plants at a rate of concessionary price.

14. How to dig pits for coconut plants?

Coconut development board is recommending the size of a pit as 90 cm X 90 cm X 90 cm. Digging coconut pits can be done by employing laborers or by using machines. Using machines is cheaper than labor according to my experience. Completion of work by machines is faster than human labour.

15. How to plant?

o At first, bottoms of pits are covered with coconut husks and then added compost with surface ground fertile soil. Potted coconut plants are to be placed at the middle of pits by removing the bottom of polyethene cover of it carefully. Then, pull out the remaining polyethene cover and press the soil around the plant firmly. Do not cover the plant fully by soils. You are advised to follow the instructions carefullygiven by Coconut Development Officer in the area.

16. Why we need weeding?

Cutting down of unwanted plant is necessary for coconut cultivation since wild plants absorb nutrients of the soil. It adversely impacts on growth of coconut plants. unwanted plants / wild plants are required to remove without using chemicals to secure young coconut plants.

17. Applying fertilizers to young coconut plants?

1250 grams of YPM is applied for a plant. 1000 grams of Dolomites is also applied as same.

18. Harmful animals to young coconut plants?

Pigs are the most harmful animal for young coconut plants. Next, porcupines’ attack is also in considerable level during the small stage of plants. Elephants destroy all in some areas of Sri lanka.

19. How they attack plants?

Pigs peel the husk of plants and destroy plant by fulling up ground. Porcupines cut the seed coconut and eat inside.

20. How to protect coconut plants from animals?

As per my experiences, fourpoles stand around each plant and wrapped them white polyethene. No pig’s attack has been reported since then. However, the polyethene cover is not durable. But, use of half tar barrels prepared for this purpose is suitable. It will last longer period and protected plant from animals such as pigs and porcupines. At present, the price for half barrel is Rs. 250/=. Please not that price will be changed time to time or place to place.

21. How to replanting?

young coconut plants is liable to die due to various reasons. Animal attacks or insect attacks is common of them. Drought will destroy the plants due to shortage of sufficient water. Replacing the death plants with live plants is necessary.

22. Need to use insecticides?

Sometime, at the early stage of plantation, insects’damages leaves of the plants. Brown spots of the branches of the coconut leaf indicates the insects’ attack. It will expand to every leaf of the plant and will destroy the plant completely. Use of Insecticide (Marshal 20) will control the damage at initial stage.

23. Maintaining the coconut cultivation?

Farmers may love as well as cautious the plants. Look altering the plants carefully will reduce losses. By cutting into small pieces the dry coconut leaf can be place around the plants. It will be a good fertilizer for plants. If you assist coconut plants to grow successfully, definitely, they will make you as well as nation happy in the future.