Extracted From News Clips on Agricultural Background in Sri lanka

Climate Smart Agriculture

Expected paddy harvest can not be obtained as usual due to climate change. Farmers cry some time heavy rains during harvesting time damage their harvest un expectedly. Further they lament the crop harvest is lost due to wild elephnat attack, and lack of fertilizer as well.

According to meteorological department, climate change cause for the variation of monsoon rain fall in Sri Lanka. Accordingly, heavy rains as well as severe draughts is prevailing frequently in shot period by causing more damages to crops. This phenomenondeviates long term weather forecasts. In order to counter this problem, Met department issues only weekly forecast. Climate smart agriculture which acting on weekly weather forecast, managing cultivation using less water to minimize loss of crops will be the more suitable solution in future. 

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Southern farmer’s drought woes highlight need for proper water management

Due to the lack of water at present, 2500 hectares of paddy land and 8000 supplementary crops will be affected. However, release of water from Samanalawewa reservoir for farming, generation of electricity generation are to be affected. Government promised to uninterrupted power cut in island wide recently.

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Closure of power generation of samanalawewa will impose power cut for the southern region. This will be a breach of promise. Supply of water for irrigation was interrupted due to low water level of reservoir under the prevailing drought. This created social unrest among the farmers. Although, there are seasonal meeting before beginning of cultivation season, decisions taken by them were not implemented properly. Some said that farmers should consider commence of their cultivation aiming at rain to avoid such problems.

Micro irrigation tech can help raise agri-yield: experts

Micro irrigation technology can be used for crop cultivat6ion in arid areas. It increases water productivity and yield of crops. It conserves water, reduces cop damage, safeguard crops from pests, reduces crop of production, and reduces environmental damage as direct fertilization done trough drip system. Under the sprinkler irrigation system, water stored in tank is pumped vir pipeline, mixed with the water-soluble fertilizer and directly sprinkle into germinated seeding via a sprinkler system.

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How El Nino could impact health, food and the economy
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It is said that current warming weather in the world has been experiencing due to El Nino phenomenon. Warming weather condition in the Pacific Ocean lasts 9-12 months. It is expected to reach it to higher position at the end of the year. When the temperature is rising, some diseases such as malaria and dengue are to rise. Further, higher temperature due to El Nino will impact on the health. El Nino phenomenon will damage the crop harvest.El Nino impact on the economy in the world reducing the profit of services. It is said that low rainfall has forced operators of the panama cannel to restrict traffic and hence dropped its earnings.