Agricultural Innovations

  • new tecs in agri

    Uncertainty is a common feature in Agricultural sectorcompared to other sectors such as industry. Weather hazards, increasing cost of farming, infertility of soil, escalation of weeds among the plants, Animal and insect harming, and thefts’ problems are some factors contribute to uncertainty.On the other hand, peasants   who are running small farm lands more often intend to sell their lands due to poverty while their younger generation does not effort to continue parents’ agricultural activities due to lack of dignity of farming. This is a major setback which can be seen in some developing counties. Upmost result of this is higher uncertainty in small farms than large farms.

  •  Considerable variations in world agricultural activities is happening at present.Hazardous and imbalance situations which are advance impactson agriculture can be eliminated by applying appropriate and adequate techniquesin line with the development of technology in the world. But, deficit of capital in developing counties hinder applying new technologyin farming. Further, unpredicted climatological changes, ozone level problems, irrigational difficulties, soil-erosion and soil-pollution,damages due to fungi, pests, weeds, and poor-quality seeds and“soil’s acidification due to acid rains or by using syntheticnitrogen-fertilizerswill impact badly in global agriculture. This will be a serious threat to food production and its quality in future. It is a challenge for agriculturists, economists, researchers, and administrators to secure foods for increasing global population.

     Small farmers are more likely to grow multi crops in their lands and hence they are lucky to safe with loss of profit due to natural damages such as droughts, unexpected rains, and diseases. Large scale farmers more often cultivate one or two crops in large areas. They are more likely to face huge profit loss due to natural disasters. Therefore, farmers need to follow good farming practices in accordance with the new technology at and future. They have more options to mitigate loss or damages due to natural hazards by growing of multi crops, choosing proper seasons for specific crop varieties, using organic fertilizer whenever and necessary, concentrating on residue management, adopting new seed treating technologies, using robot’s technology, shifting to greenhouse farming technology, creating artificial lighting technology.

      It is no doubt that application of current technologies to agriculture enhance the yield on the limited land capacity. In addition, it will increase quality as well as agricultural operational duration. Based on the reduced cost of production with new technology on agriculture, farmers can get profit as expected.

    There are three stages to be considered when the application of new technology to agriculture. They are generation, testing and dissemination. As an example, internet can be applied to agricultural works. Collecting and storing climate data, data on plants and plant varieties, seasional variation of yield, use of new fertilizers, weedicide, pesticides, finding labors, sharing farm experiences and finding market and prices are benefits can be expected from use of cyber technology. 

     Use of tools and equipment provided with the new technology will be harmful if the farmers are not care of them. They may have training on use of them correctly. Therefore, development of agriculture with new technological background based on the availability, usability, scalability, and feasibility.

    Availability of New Technologies in Agriculture 

    At present, it is commonly discussed about Smart Sustainable Agriculture system which includes “Smart Irrigation, Precision Farming, and Smart Greenhouse. Being a part of it, SmartIrrigation refers to the improvement in efficiency of irrigation process and reductionin water losses. It is true that innovations in agricultural sector is necessity to secure the food for future generation. Agricultural innovations should have an enough strength tomeet the food requirement of peoples by facing climate hazards globally. 

    In line with the development of new computer technology, use of digital technology and huge database for farming is considered as wise idea. Both of these improve the management of agricultural sector. 

    Information availability benefits the farmers at the finding of resources. Use of phone technology to communicate with the end users of agriculture and resources providers reduces the cost in logistic and hence increase the profit of the farm.Providing the satellite pictures for farmers will ease matching the requirement and availability. There data and information are very useful for decision making on management. It can be found three ways in use of digital technology in the farming. One way is use of GPS equipment and machine-based sensors. Secondly, large set of database and artificial intelligence are helpful to improve production and agricultural based industries. Weather forecasting and use of unman machines in the filed are to setup by analyzing based on data collected in this regard. At the searching buyers of farm product, their prices, business contact as well as at the finding input such as labour, fertilizer, seeds etc., communication and social media provide considerable support to farming. Infrastructure facilities such as WIFI are needed to provide for agricultural area. 

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